hefengbao 发布于 2023.12.08 ,最后更新于 2024.11.01
PHP The Right Way - PHP 之道(中文版)
Clean Code concepts adapted for PHP - PHP 代码整洁之道
PHPWeekly - PHP 周刊(可邮件订阅)
Docker-based PHP development environments.
PHP-FPM 调优:使用 ‘pm static’ 来最大化你的服务器负载能力
Laravel 调试: 如何在 VS Code 编辑器中配置 XDebug + PHPUnit
WebSec IO:致力于通过与一般安全基础知识、新兴技术和PHP特定信息相关的主题来教育开发人员有关安全性。
A database of PHP security advisories
依赖管理( Dependency Management )
composer/installers 一个多框架 Composer 库安装器
composer/satis:搭建私有的 Composer 包仓库
The RSS feed for websites missing it
The de facto standard self hosted URL shortener in PHP
castopod - The free and open-source solution to your podcasting 2.0 journey(Github)
Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel
Leantime is a goals focused project management system for non-project managers.
Baïkal is a Calendar+Contacts server
Cypht: Lightweight Open Source webmail written in PHP and JavaScript
VitoDeploy - Free and Self-Hosted Server Management Tool
Laravel PHP2JS & Quick Request
Chevere - High quality library for building PHP software
分类 | 名称 | Github | 文档 | 描述 |
数据 | FakerPHP/Faker | 🔗 | 🔗 | 假数据填充 |
图像 | Intervention/Image | 🔗 | 🔗 | 图像处理 |
图像 | spatie/laravel-image-optimizer | 🔗 | 图像压缩(Laravel) | |
文件 | Laravel Excel | 🔗 | 🔗 | Laravel Excel 导入、导出 |
文件 | dompdf/dompdf | 🔗 | HTML to PDF converter for PHP | |
网络 | ratchetphp/Ratchet | 🔗 | 🔗 | 异步WebSocket服务器 |
二维码 | Bacon/BaconQrCode | 🔗 | QR Code Generator for PHP | |
地理位置 | Geocoder PHP | 🔗 | 🔗 | Geocoder library written in PHP |
地理位置 | hibit-dev/geodetect | 🔗 | 根据 IP 获取用户地理位置信息 | |
流程 | symfony/workflow | 🔗 | 🔗 | |
流程 | 42coders/workflows | 🔗 | The Workflow Package add Drag & Drop Workflows to your Laravel Application. | |
货币 | moneyphp/money | 🔗 | 🔗 | PHP library to make working with money safer, easier, and fun! |
验证 | Blasp | 🔗 | 敏感词验证、过滤 |
php-amqplib/php-amqplib RabbitMQ
User Agent
matomo-org/device-detector - The Universal Device Detection library
Larave Package Ocean:Discover new Laravel packages.
Laravel Library - Find the best packages for your Laravel projects
The most popular packages launched in 2023
Search and discover your favorite Laravel products and integrations
Plugin Manager - 让 Laravel 应用更具组织性和可扩展性
learning to develop a package for Laravel
Laravel 项目
LinkAce is a self-hosted archive to collect links of your favorite websites.
tighten/symposium - Management of proposals, bios, photos, etc. for conference speakers.
NexoPOS - a web-Based Point Of Sale (POS) System build with Laravel, TailwindCSS, and Vue.Js.
koel/koel - A personal music streaming server that works.
Attendize is an open-source ticket selling and event management platform built on Laravel.
fr0tt/benotes - An open source self hosted notes and bookmarks taking web app.
bagisto/bagisto - Free and open source laravel eCommerce platform
invoiceninja/invoiceninja - Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel, Flutter and React
crater-invoice/crater - Open Source Invoicing Solution for Individuals & Businesses
range-of-motion/budget - Get a grip on your finances.
anonaddy/anonaddy - Anonymous email forwarding
Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit, designed to help you build the SAAS of your dreams
pixelfed/pixelfed - Photo Sharing. For Everyone.
Materio – Vuetify Vuejs Laravel Admin Template Free
Moonshine - Admin panel for your Laravel projects
Modular - Build the Web,One Module at a Time.
spatie/laravel-login-link - A Blade component to quickly login to your local environment
Mail Web is a Laravel package which catches emails locally for debugging
Collision is a beautiful error reporting tool for command-line applications
area17/blast - Storybook for Laravel Blade
thedevdojo/genesis - An Application Starter Kit - Built with Laravel Folio and Volt
A DALL (daisyUI, Alpine.js, Laravel and Livewire) Preset for Laravel
hybridly/hybridly - Solution to develop server-driven, client-rendered applications
laravel-generator - API and Admin Panel CRUD Generator for Laravel.
laravel-shift/blueprint - A code generation tool for Laravel developers.
microweber/microweber - Drag and Drop Website Builder and CMS with E-commerce
Modular:Modularize your Laravel application
nWidart/laravel-module - Module Management In Laravel
ldaprecord - A framework for Rapid LDAP Integration(Github)
ismaelw/laratex - A Laravel package for creating PDF files using LaTeX
Laravel-Markdown:Laravel 的 CommonMark 封装
Laravel-markdown:Powerful Markdown rendering for Laravel
Fusion is a Laravel package designed to manage Markdown content via Eloquent Models.
An easy-to-use PHP QrCode generator with first-party support for Laravel.
protonemedia/laravel-ffmpeg - This package provides an integration with FFmpeg for Laravel
yajra/laravel-auditable - Basic Auditable package for Eloquent Model.
Laravel Auditing - Audit your Eloquent models(Github)
JhumanJ/OpnForm - Beautiful Open-Source Form Builder
spatie/laravel-honeypot - Preventing spam submitted through forms
milwad-dev/laravel-validate - Help to write easy & faster advance validation for Laravel
4 Most Common Ways to Validate Arrays in Laravel
opcodesio/log-viewer - Fast and beautiful Log Viewer for Laravel(Github)
Laravel Subscribable Notifications
qruto/laravel-wave - Painless Laravel Broadcasting with SSE
Laravel 的邮件 SPF 检查器(避免邮件进入垃圾邮箱)
MailEclipse ⚡ Laravel Mail Editor
File Upload
aetherupload-laravel - 上传大文件的Laravel扩展包
Generate APIs with ease.(Github)
Saloon - Build beautiful API integrations and SDKs with Saloon(Github)
Laravel Orion - The simplest way to create REST API with Laravel
auto generate swagger in laravel
Generate API documentation for humans from your Laravel codebase.
Modern Laravel OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation generator. No PHPDoc annotations required.
Open Food Facts API wrapper for Laravel
nickurt/laravel-postcodeapi - Universal PostcodeApi for Laravel 10.x/11.x
stevebauman/location - Detect a users location by their IP Address.
jamesmills/laravel-timezone - Enable user Timezones in your application.
spatie/opening-hours - Query and format a set of opening hours
A Vue.js pagination component for Laravel paginators(Github)
laravel-purity:Elegant way to filter and sort queries in Laravel(Github)
BKWLD/croppa - Image thumbnail creation through specially formatted URLs for Laravel.
Glide is a wonderfully easy on-demand image manipulation library written in PHP
canvas - Publishing on your own terms
themsaid/wink - A Laravel-based publishing platform
inovector/mixpost - Self-hosted social media management
oddvalue/laravel-drafts - A simple, drop-in drafts/revisions system for Laravel models
Bazar is an e-commerce package for Laravel applications.
lunarphp/lunar - An open-source package that brings the power of modern headless e-commerce functionality to Laravel.(官网)
bavix/laravel-wallet - Easy work with virtual wallet(文档)
Aimeos - THE Laravel ecommerce platform
订阅计划(Subscription Plans)
PlanCraft - Elevate Your Plans Management with PlanCraft for Laravel(Github)
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in PHP .
Laravel Eloquent roles and abilities.
DirectoryTree/Authorization - Easy, native Laravel user authorization.
coderflexx/laravisit - A package to keep track of your pages & understand your audience
spatie/laravel-feed - Easily generate RSS feeds
xiCO2k/laravel-vue-i18n - Allows to connect your Laravel
Framework translation files with Vue
barryvdh/laravel-translation-manager - Manage Laravel translation files
Chatify is Laravel's #1 one-to-one chatting system package, helps you add a complete real-time chatting system to your new/existing Laravel application with only one command.(Github)
等级 & 经验
The only UI components you'll ever need for your Laravel projects.(Github)
laravel-nestedset - Effective tree structures
laravel-notify - Flexible Flash notifications for Laravel
Laravel Love is emotional part of the application. It let people express how they feel about the content.(Github)
Laravel Ban simplify blocking and banning Eloquent models.
mydnic/laravel-feedback-component - Customizable Feedback Component for Laravel
Gorgeous Laravel Blade UI Components made for Livewire 3 and styled around daisyUI + Tailwind
VanOns/laraberg - A Gutenberg implementation for Laravel
性能 & 安全
enlightn/enlightn - Your performance & security consultant, an artisan command away.
larastan/larastan - Adds code analysis to Laravel improving developer productivity and code quality.
PHP Insights - The perfect starting point to analyze the code quality of your PHP projects
appstract/laravel-options - Global key-value store in the database
Browsershot - Convert a webpage to an image or PDF
Laravel Wallet:Designed for reliable and flexible transactions
Simple user messaging package for Laravel
corcel/corcel - Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application
stevebauman/hypertext - A PHP HTML to pure text transformer.
spatie/laravel-export - Create a static site bundle from a Laravel app
Pest - The elegant PHP testing framework
Better Ways to Test Repeated Laravel Jobs
Testing Laravel Jobs and email
Mocking APIs in Laravel Tests With Wiremock
如何在 Laravel 中检查 RAM 和 CPU 使用情况
Building a Calendar with Carbon
Laravel Roles and Permissions: Gates and Policies Explained 👍
Preventing Duplicate Form Submissions Using Atomic Locks
How to process large CSV files with Laravel
How to Improve Your Laravel Application's Security Using a CSP
Handling Errors with Third-Party APIs
Laravel Vite Deploy Assets to Global CDN
What Is RabbitMQ and How Do You Use It With Laravel?
Splade - The magic of Inertia.js with the simplicity of Blade(Github)
danharrin/livewire-rate-limiting - Apply rate limiters to Laravel Livewire actions.
Wire in the Wild collects Laravel Livewire and TALL Stack projects. 有开源项目
Livewire 组件
Easy Laravel Livewire Comments with TailwindCSS UI
ramonrietdijk/livewire-tables - Dynamic tables for models with Laravel Livewire
mikebarlow/megaphon - Livewire UI for Laravel based user notifications
dasundev/livewire-dropzone - A Livewire Dropzone component for simple drag-and-drop file uploads.
dasundev/livewire-dropzone - A Livewire Dropzone component for simple drag-and-drop file uploads.
Collecting Time Video Metrics with Livewire
Chat Widget with Livewire 3's Persist
Improving Client Side Pagination with Livewire
Filament 插件
Laravel Filament: How To Upload Video Files
Filament: Export Record to PDF - Two Ways
FilamentPHP: Adding some style
Filament v3 Nested Resources: Solution with Trait and Pages
Handling Bulk Imports in Filament