1. skip() & when()
If you want your scheduled task to execute only when some condition is true
, use when()
to set such conditions inline:
$schedule->command('your:command')->when(function () {
return some_condition();
is the exact opposite of the when()
method. If the skip method returns true
, the scheduled task will not be executed:
return Calendar::isHolidauy();
2. withoutOverlapping()
You may be running a critical job that should only have one instance running at a time. That's where withoutOverlapping()
ensures that a scheduled task won't overlap, preventing potential conflicts.
3. thenPing()
After executing a task, you might want to ping a URL to notify another service or trigger another action. thenPing()
lets you do just that seamlessly.
4. runInBackground()
If you want your scheduled task to run in the background without holding up other processes. runInBackground()
will help you do this:
5. evenInMaintenanceMode()
You can guess what it does by its name. You can execute scheduled tasks even when your application is in maintenance mode.